Heather Trew had a dream that everyone who needed an organ transplant would have the opportunity to receive one. The Heather Trew Foundation for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of donation among individuals of all ages. The foundation seeks to increase the number of registered organ, eye and tissue donors and supports education programs and medical research in the areas of transplantation, organ donation and children's health. The foundation is a 501c3 organization registered with the State of South Carolina

The Heather Trew Foundation is a living memorial to a young woman whose medical battles throughout her life never dampened her spirit. As a teenager, she spoke passionately about organ, eye and tissue donation. Heather fervently believed that anyone who needed an organ transplant should have the opportunity to receive one. Following Heather's death in 2007, the Trew family created the Heather Trew Foundation for Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation, embracing their daughters dream to give others a second chance at life.
"Sign up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor today,
and be sure to share your decision with your loved ones" - Heather Trew